Friday, July 27, 2012

Thinking about Thinking

What are we thinking?

I truly believe that thought is the architect of reality.  I experience this everyday.  I have a ritual wake up practice.  As soon as I realize that I am waking up, I close my eyes tight and say thank you.  Go ahead, call me Pollyanna.  I am used to it.  Some mornings I forget or wake up grumpy... its a practice.  But I tend to always notice the quality of my thinking throughout the day... and not starting my day with gratitude tends to bend my thinking into the hurried "realistic" or limited mind. A morning moment of gratitude gives way to a short 2-3 minute visioning of the qualities that I foresee for my day.  The specifics are not as important as the experience... I focus on gratitude, joy, compassion, confidence, mental clarity, creative thinking, and being present.  Throughout the day I see this preparation working in my favor.  And I tend to notice these qualities of my experience throughout the day and then I am having another moment of gratitude.  How often do we think about thinking?  How often do we teach about thinking?  What would be different in our world, in KCMO Public Schools if this practice or other similar mindfulness practices were taught?


  1. So if thought is the architect of reality, what do we need to think about to manifest a revolution in our education system? A revolution that builds up, rather than continues to tear down... innovative and relevant.

  2. Id love for you to Visit the school i am involved with. - we have an open house this saturday 10-noon // 7933 Main KC mo 64114 if you can swing by i can give you a tour. They are the most forward thinking and holistic in the city i believe. Good people. - miles
