Monday, July 9, 2012

Challenge Embraced and Embodied by 21!

The Radical Openness Challenge Ignites a Movement!

What an honor it was to share space and time with 20 KC community members!  I was deeply moved by the outcomes and have just completed the process of digitizing the hard copy documentation of our Asset Inventory and Visioning work.


These are just a few of the capital assets that we have identified... (Capital... Built/ Institutional, Social, Human/ Intellectual, Cultural, Economic, Political, Natural/ Environment)

  • Father of 6, Known in KC Politics as an Activist, 269 family members in KC immediate Family, Nuclear Engineer, Board Member of Transitional Housing Corp, Urban Farmer Training, Green Home Renovation, Curriculum Development & School Creation, Rites of Passage instructor for young males, 3 time millionaire, cook, medical biller, computer builder & programmer, Auto Mechanic, Community Organizer, Peace Activist.
  • Urban Agriculture, Amen Par Ankh Healing, Charged to be a Steward of the Earth!
  • Habitat for Humanity, Grassroots Organizations, Kauffman Foundation, City of Fountains, Libraries, Harvesters, Churches, Universities, Medical Schools
  • Mentor/ Youth Advocate, Adaptive Strategist, Member of CSL, Connected to BEU, EC, Troost Alliance, KU Alum, Community Living Opportunities, Reconciliation Services, Troost Village, Hip Hop Academy/ Community, Shout KC, Bold New Poets, KC Youth Explosion Hype Night, Teach InterPlay, Embodied Cognition/ Mindfulness Education, Program Direction/ Management, Interdisciplinary culture/ collaboration, MECCA (Mindful Educators Catalyzing Community Allies) Mentor Program Design, Artist Educator, Screen Printing, Storyteller, Performance/ Experience Art, Sculptor (BFA) Building objects to express ideas, PUPPETS!!, Creative Problem Solving, Solutionary, Professional Development Trainings, Entrepreneur.
  • Digital Arts & Design, Community Activist, Coding, Connections to Mental Health, Fundraising Ability, Photography & Cinema, Connections within the inner-city, ethnic awareness.
  • Do Research, Writing, editing, some web work.
  • Transit Community, Construction (know means and methods)
  • Singing, Dreams, Resources
  • Neshamah Healing Energy Work, Create Your Own Reality Groups, Youth Volunteer Corps- national non-profit, Meditation & Internal energy practice, ACLU2 (the young folk connected to ACLU), Rime Buddhist Center, MOCSA- rape crisis center/ NP, Social Media content on FB, Twitter, Youtube, KC Crafters Society, Grant Writing & Editing, Parisole Arts Foundation in the Crossroads, online fundraising w/ no "limit" or minimum.
  • Civic Council, Compact 18th&Vine, Colleges & Universities, Black Chamber of commerce, City Depts and Staff, Crossroads Community Association, Downtown Council, BEU, 18th & Vine,NTDF, PIAC, KCIC, KCMOCDE, Social Media, Public/ Private Parnerships, Google Fiber, Rhythem n' Ribs, GDAP, Vine Steet Economic Dev. Plan.
  • Direct connections to several neighborhood and community groups, Ability to be available as a volunteer, platform to reach/ mobilize large # of older adults- Foster Grandparents, Ability to Facilitate Trainings, 
  • Experience with intentional community, relationship with director at IRS, Carpentry Skills, Food not Bombs, relationships with food banks and groceries, Basic education and Interest in Human Psychoneuroendocrinology, Ability to communicate effectively, artistic skill.
  • Soil, running water, empty buildings, vacant land, scrap metal, leaves and brush, trees, gardens, students, designers, healthy food, sustainable agriculture teacher, wind, sunlight, plastic, Garbage, people who can do work, teachers.
  • Illustration, Intern at American Jazz Museum, Chinese, Spanish & Japanese, Rosebrooks, DeLaSalle, teaching, West Bottoms, Downtown KC, Homegrown, Restart, Gardening, Music, Silk-screening t-shirts, marketing, popular culture.
  • Community Support Division, KCPD, Minister/ Mentor
  • Witness, Design with Purpose, abstract imagination in combination with deductive reasoning, leadership through advice, any composition of music
  • UMKC Economics Dept., community elders (retired), Urban Summit, UMKC Campus, Black United Front

1 comment:

  1. This process brings so many resources to the table it is astounding. With all the TED talks available to start a discussion that many times is outside the box and people that are committed to improving themselves as a main vehicle for change, we can't help but be successful!!
